Extract-A-Fact Newsletter – October 2016

Extract-A-Fact Newsletter – October 2016

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PWYP-US Extract-A-Fact Newsletter

October 2016

Oil, Gas and Mining Transparency Advocates Join the Data Revolution


2016 is an historic year for transparency advocates and data geeks alike. After fourteen years of
campaigning by the global Publish What You Pay (PWYP) coalition, laws requiring oil, gas and mining
companies to publicly disclose project-level payments to governments for access to natural resources are
now in force in over 30 countries.

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Making open data work for communities in the Philippines

There are two types of disclosures. One is disclosure for the sake of transparency, while the other is
disclosure that actually works for the people it is intended to help. Ensuring the latter is the philosophy
Bantay Kita has applied to its engagement with natural resources data.

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How to get mandatory disclosure reports delivered to your inbox!

The Aleph search tool, built and maintained by OpenOil, is a vast database of public documents filed by
oil, gas, and mining companies in some of the biggest legal jurisdictions in the world. Aleph gives us
access to millions of documents all in one place that we can search by content, but finding the exact
information we want can seem intimidating.

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Guest Post –

Analysing oil & mining made easy – a few more tips and tricks for Aleph

Accessing Aleph’s wealth of information requires a certain understanding of how to best use the search

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Guest Post –

With Mandatory Disclosures, More Open, Granular Oil Price Data

Many oil-rich countries’ governments reap

huge and notoriously opaque

production revenues. In the past, transparency initiatives were limited to exposing tax payments. However,

EITI reports


company disclosures

are exposing more details on these deals. We are seeing a growing database of incisive price data emerging.

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Guest Post –

NRGI Launches New Oil, Gas and Mining Open Data Platform ResourceProjects.org


is an open-source repository of data on oil, gas and mining projects across the world. It provides a
platform to collect, display, download and search extractive project information using open data.

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Unlock PDF data with Tabula


is a powerful and extremely useful open-source web application for extracting data locked in tables in PDF
documents. Similar to the Google Scraper application we introduced in an

earlier post

, Tabula can expedite the process of getting information into a usable format when copying and pasting is
not an option.

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