Extract-A-Fact Newsletter – October 2017

*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* PWYP-US Extract-A-Fact Newsletter October 2017 Why is Niger still losing out to Areva?​ In 2013, Oxfam and ROTAB, a Nigerien NGO – both members of Publish What You Pay – launched a campaign denouncing the unbalanced partnership between Areva and Niger and calling for the renegotiation of the contracts. Oxfam and ROTAB specifically pointed that Areva’s contracts included a sweetheart clause enabling Areva to…

Department of Treasury Seeks to Undermine Congress and SEC on Oil and Mining Transparency Mandate

Read the statement in pdf For Immediate Release: October 10, 2017 Contact: Jana Morgan, Director – [email protected] Mobile: 703-795-8542 Office: 202-496-1189 Department of Treasury Seeks to Undermine Congress and SEC on Oil and Mining Transparency Mandate Publish What You Pay – United States Director, Jana Morgan’s, statement responding to the Treasury Department’s recommendation to repeal Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank…

Extract-A-Fact: To stop losing mining revenues, dig the details

This post originally appeared on politicsofpoverty.oxfamamerica.org on September 29, 2017 How detecting and deterring “transfer mispricing” in Zambia’s billion dollar mining sector can boost government coffers in a time of fiscal crisis. Corporate tax dodging is not a victimless act. When corporations employ aggressive means to avoid paying tax in developing countries, citizens inevitably foot the bill. Corporate tax avoidance…